Edge Effect

DATES: Entire Festival, February 3 – 11, 2023

STARTS: 6:00 pm
ENDS: 12:00 am

The edge effect describes the diversity of life that exists in regions where two or more ecosystems overlap.
Hand cut designs of Sword Fern, Nootka Rose, Elderberry, Pacific Blackberry, and Salmonberry emerge to create a forested understory of light. The wing tips of Owl cut the sky to let cyclical moons shine through. Crafted from sparks searing through steel, “Edge Effect” conjures the wilds of nature into shifting spectres of shadow and light.

Hand built by Sparks Designs
Plasma cutting: Heather Sparks
Welding and structural design: Islando Sparks

Sx̌əx̌əlč Sthexelum, Sword Fern
c̓ək̓apaʔ, Nootka Rose
Sc̓abt, Red Elderberry
Gʷədbixʷ, Pacific Blackberry
Stəgʷad, Salmonberry

skwəqwubš, Owl:
s√kʷəqʷúbš, Screech
təkʷtəkʷəlus, Great Horned
xʷupšəd, Northern Saw-whet

Dxʷləšucid, Lashootseed
The language of the Coast Salish Puget Sound
Translations from the Tulalip Tribes Lushootseed Department


Sparks Designs